The Deli Dish

Tag: olio nuovo

  • Olio Novello Tasting with Grace

    Olio Novello (or Nuovo) is Italian for “new oil” and is the name given to early harvest extra virgin olive oil that is freshly pressed from green olives.  It is … Continued

  • First bottles of Olio Nuovo at the Deli

      Excerpt from Ari’s Top 5 enews Olio Nuovo or New Harvest Olive Oils–Just in time for Hanukkah I didn’t know it when I was a kid (my grandmother fried her latkes … Continued

  • New Harvest Olive Oils 2019

    Every year, we bring a limited supply of extremely fresh new harvest olive oils – also known as olio nuovo or novello – right after they’re pressed. Only weeks old, these are the freshest oils you will get a chance to taste with big, bold flavors that demand to be noticed.