Paesano Bread from the Bakehouse

Excerpt from Ari’s Top 5 enews

A bread from Zingerman’s Bakehouse that is great for everything!

If I could only pick one Bakehouse bread to offer solace in a time of struggle, this would be my top choice. Over the last 28 years I’ve taken Paesano bread to probably a dozen different countries and a host of cities across the U.S. I’ve packed it in suitcases, squeezed it in my shoulder bag, and carried it on planes. I’ve shipped it from Mail Order to friends and relatives all over the country.

The centuries-old origin of the recipe for Paesano is the Italian region of Puglia. Down in the heel of the Italian boot, it’s the biggest olive oil-producing region in Italy—not surprisingly then I guess, the most popular way to use Paesano is to rip off big chunks and dip it in good oil! It pairs well with pretty much any good olive oil you get—I really like the one we get from La Spineta in Puglia or Onsa’s Oil from Tunisia. It also makes marvelous bruschetta—cut it in thick slices and toast, then pour on the olive oil. If you like garlic, rub toasted slices with a fresh clove before you add the oil. Either way, sprinkle on a bit of sea salt and eat up. In the summer, lay on slices of fresh tomato. I love it with anchovies as well. And if you’re holed up at home, it’s super good with sardines. Add some good black pepper too! Mackerel is delicious. Really, Paesano is good for just about anything. (The only exception is probably peanut butter and jelly—Paesano’s big holes mean the PB and J will drip right through! It’s how we make it—as Frank says, we work hard to get the holes in there! They’re a sign of a well-made traditional bread.)

> Shop Paesano Bread online for Deli pickup or local delivery